Central Baltic


EU-financed project

Project name: Simulation pedagogy in learning ethics in practice in health care – SimE. 


Aim of the project is to increase ethical competence of graduating nursing students. The idea is to enhance practice based ethical learning during nursing education with help of various methods. In this project will be developed three ethics courses.

To realize the project’s goal in period from 01.10.2017.to 30.09.2019, co-operates educational institutions in Finland, Sweden and Latvia – the leading partner organization is Turku University of Applied Sciences, the other partner organizations are the Swedish Red Cross University College and the Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia.

The overall objective of the project is to create three common courses (together 6 ETCS) in order to develop more aligned study programmes for nursing students in the Central Baltic region. As a result, the courses are embedded in each partner organisation’s curricula. Common courses and teaching methods will ensure the more harmonized education level in the region and also more harmonized competence level of nurses working in these countries. Development of the ethical competence of nursing students is done with help of multi-various methods, like simulation and practical training. Simulation environment is a safe and effective way for students to learn and practice complex ethical skills.  This can be achieved by building more aligned curricula in nursing education. Improved ethical skills serve the needs of healthcare providers, promote the mobility of workforce and increase the quality of patient care.

Course 1 (2 ETCS) will be arranged during the first year and will consist the basic theories of ethics. Learning methods are online lectures, web seminar, and practice trainings (low practice simulations).

Course 2 (1 ETC) will be arranged during second year and during the clinical practice placements in hospital or nursing homes. The students will evaluate and discuss together in Ethical Coffee Room (electronical platform environment developed for the purpose, ECR) ethical issues and dilemmas what their face during their clinical practice. The mentors and teachers supervises the discussions in Ethical Coffee Room and give example cases, perspectives, references and advices to think about ethical questions and solutions.

Course 3 (3 ETCS) will be arranged during the third year and will consist six simulation practices. The students have preliminary exercises before the simulation sessions and afterwards their reflectively discuss their own ethical sensitivity and competence. The students also practice during the course giving feedback of ethical activity for the peers.


Project website:


