Norlys network has a long history as the cooperation started in the 1990ies. The network has later expanded to include the Baltic countries. Norlys consists of 11 partner institutions in seven different Nordic-Baltic countries. Over the years the network has organised many intensive courses with great success and full participation from all the partner institutions. Also the teachers in the network meet every year and this traditional teacher-meet keeps the network cooperation active and tight. Student mobility is an integral part of the cooperation and each year in the teacher meet one of the topics is developing the student exchange and planning the organisation of the mobility within the network.
The overall goals for the network cooperation are:
-To strengthen and develop Nordic-Baltic educational cooperation within the Health and Well-being area
-To support, develop, disseminate and benefit from innovative products and processes in education through the systematic exchange of experiences and best practices within the Network
-To contribute to the development of quality and innovation in the educational systems for lifelong learning in the participating countries
-To promote Nordic languages and culture, as well as mutual Nordic-Baltic linguistic and cultural understanding.
In 2019-2020 Norlys network is organizing mobility periods for students and teachers and an intensive course in the area of mental health promotion of work-aged immigrants.
Partners –
(FI) Turku University of Applied Sciences
LV-Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia (LV)
NO-OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (NO-OsloMet)
SE-Karolinska Institutet (SE)
SE-Uppsala University (SE)
FI-Novia University of Applied Sciences (FI)
FI-South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (FI-Xamk)
DK-Via University College (DK)
EE-Tallinn Health Care College (EE)
IS-University of Iceland (IS)
DK-Metropolitan University College (DK)