
31. Jan 2025

ERASMUS+ Combined Intensive Programme week ends with the award of certificates

On 31 January the ERASMUS+ Combined Intensive Programme (CIP) “Baltic Dispensing Optician”, organised by the RMK of the University of Applied Sciences, comes to an end. Thank you to all the students and thank you to all the LU RMK lecturers who participated in this programme:

Mg.Sc. Kristīne Detkova, Lecturer, Riga Medical College, University of Latvia, OCVISION Optometrist
Dr.phys. Pēteris Cikmačs, Prof. asist. Pēteris Cikmacija, University of Latvia, Riga Medical College, University of Latvia
Dr.phys. Evita Kassaliete, Head of the study programme “Optometrist Assistant”, Riga Medical College, Prof. asist. Department of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Latvia
Assistant Optometrist Edijs Ozols Ozoliņš, Lecturer, Riga Medical College, University of Latvia

The Combined Intensive Programme started with a virtual lecture on 25 January, led by Mg.Sc. Kristine Detkova and Dr.Phys. Pēteris Cikmačs. The lecture topics were “Physical properties of optical glasses (vertex, combination of the optical centre of the lens and the geometric centre of the frame, frame pantoscopic angle, wrap, pressure relation)” and “The construction of eyeglasses”.

On 27 January, students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Croatia already met in person to get acquainted and relax before the start of the face-to-face classes.

On 28 and 29 January, face-to-face classes were held, in which students covered the following topics:

  • Interpupillary distance measurements far and near;
  • Minimum spectacle lens diameter. Thickness of spectacle lenses (spherical and aspherical lenses);
  • Calculation of minimum spectacle lens diameter and Interpupillary distance measurements. Calculation of the horizontal centration of the spectacle lens in the spectacle frame;
  • Materials and use of spectacle frames. Physical properties. Influence of physical, chemical and biological factors on materials and coating technologies;
  • Measurement of spectacle lens apical distance, frame pantoscopic angle, frame, estimation of pressure ratio;
  • Basic principle of lensometry (manual and automatic);
  • Determination of spherical and cylindrical lens power with manual/automated dioptrometer;
  • Determination of optical power for bifocal and progressive lenses. Mark renewal for progressive lenses.

On 30 January, the students went to OC Vision to learn about the company’s operations and to find out more about monofocal, bifocal and progressive lenses, centring methods and grinding.

#erasmusplus #cofundedbyeuropeanunion

